Staying ahead of the game is key to a successful harvest, but in many cases the post-harvest stage is often overlooked which can lead to potential storage issues such as hot-spots or insect infestations. Hotter ambient temperatures mean it is more important than ever to cool crops quickly, but rising energy costs also mean it must be done more efficiently.
As explained by Dr Gavin Lishman in a presentation at a recent Game Changing Technology conference for the Department of Business and Technology, crop storage specialists Martin Lishman Ltd offer innovative technologies for use during post-harvest crop storage. A combination of unique control algorithms and machine learning features, combined with their automatic fan controllers and high-airflow Pile-Dry Pedestals and Fans, are designed to drive down grain temperatures quickly while reducing energy costs. With Martin Lishman’s automatic fan control systems, farmers can expect to save at least 40% on their energy bills compared to uncontrolled cooling methods.
“Adding one of our automatic fan controllers to your store can make a big difference to energy usage and cooling time,” explains Joel Capper, Managing Director for Martin Lishman Ltd. “By only cooling when it is most efficient to do so, our systems can drive temperatures down faster, using much less energy. With this year’s harvest soon on the horizon, we urge farmers to assess their cooling situation now to avoid headaches down the line.”
In addition to their fan control systems, Martin Lishman offers a range of cooling systems, moisture meters, and crop monitoring solutions to help farmers further optimize their post-harvest storage. Their award-winning Barn Owl Wireless system allows farmers to monitor crop store temperatures from anywhere in the world, making it easier to maintain ideal storage conditions.
For more information on our post-harvest storage solutions, CLICK HERE
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