company information

Meeting Change with Innovation.

Martin Lishman Ltd manufacture and distribute specialist agricultural equipment, with an emphasis on crop storage and quality monitoring, potato and fruit quality control and compact sprayers.

A family-run company established by the late Martin Lishman in 1975, the business was managed by Gavin and Carol Lishman until August 2022.

Martin Lishman is now owned and managed by Joel and Emilia Capper.

We are located in the town of Bourne, in the main arable area of the United Kingdom. Our products are sold throughout the UK and exported all over the World.

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about us Martin Lishman

From Small Beginnings… 

about us small beginnings

Martin Lishman has pioneered several types of farm equipment such as Pile-Dry Pedestals and Fans, for cooling and drying stored crops. This has become one of the most important crop cooling methods on UK farms and is in use worldwide.

From no-tech to Agri-Tech

about us agri tech

As the demand for higher assured quality crops has increased, Martin Lishman have responded with new innovative products that meet the changing needs of our customers. From simple temperature measurement probes to fully automatic control and monitoring systems, and much more besides, we have designed and developed new concepts which provide practical, cost-effective and well-made solutions to today’s farming problems.

Awards and honours

about us awards

The Barn Owl Wireless crop monitoring and automatic ventilation control system and TuberLog electronic potato are some of the ground-breaking innovations from our company that have been honoured with new product and innovation awards at the UK’s major exhibitions. Our most recent was for the ImpacTrack shock sensing range – awarded the Future Innovation gold medal at the LAMMA Show in 2019.

Meet the Team

Joel Capper
Managing Director

Emilia Capper

Jordan Lister
Sales Manager

Adam Reeve
UK & Export
Sales Administrator

Georgie Farrar
Sales & Marketing

Richard Jagger

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