Grain Clinics

Test against known samples

and get your certificate!

For a simple calibration check

Why not attend one of our moisture meter grain clinics? 

We hold moisture meter clinics at the premises of machinery dealers and others, up and down the country at various times during the first half of each year.

It is a chance for you to bring your meter and check it against known test samples. Our service staff are on hand to advise on alterations or repairs that may be required to bring the meter up to standard.

If the meter is correctly calibrated we issue a certificate that can be used to satisfy quality assurance inspections.

When and where? 

The 2024 grain clinics have now finished.

Check back soon for updates or alternatively, stay up to date by subscribing to our grain clinic alert emails below.

If your moisture meter requires validation, why not sent it into us for our service/calibration program.

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grain clinic

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